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Greencovery trial succeeds recovering high value product from animal food stream

Greencovery trial succeeds recovering product from animal food stream.

A novel application of our technology is adding value to existing streams of our customers.

For example, we are increasing the value of a customer’s animal feed stream. Some well-known sources of animal feed are milk, orange, potato, corn, rice and sugar beet processing side-streams.

We use our technology to recover and valorise ingredients in their stream. Some examples of these ingredients are organic acids, amino acids, proteins and vitamins.

These organic acids in the animal feed composition have been proven to ensure health and performance. An example of an extra advantage is the enhancement of the animal feed stream quality by the addition of sodium bicarbonate, which is a step required while applying our technology; sodium bicarbonate presence in animal feed is known to improve its quality, by for example leading to a better feed intake and enhancing the animal’s sodium intake. That way we unlock a new revenue stream for our customers with a small variation of the process.

Joana Leiros, our Bioprocess and Process Design Engineer, has succesfully performed a trial using our prototype at different operation conditions. We already prove the feasibility of adsorbing and desorbing the target ingredient using our technology and the current focus is to test some modifications that may contribute to an enhancement of the final purity. Two main ingredients are selectively recovered from the animal feed stream and the goal is to upgrade it to high value with our proprietary technology.

We are excited to help our customer to unlock this potential and increase the nutrition of the final animal feed stream. Increasing not just their value but overall the environmental impact of their process.

Interested in what we can do for your business?

We are here to accelerate the time-to-market of new ingredients recovered from sidestreams making your business more feasible and sustainable.